
MoveForward Community

An elite women’s network for professionals in the fitness and wellness industry.

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Welcome frienDS!

MoveForward was created to bring women in the fitness, health, and wellness industries together to create community. Collectively, we are stronger. MoveForward is a resource to share knowledge, business tools, inspiration, and energy to drive your business forward and powerfully lift each other up.


You are not alone. There are thousands of other fitness and wellness professionals on your path, ready and willing to support you.

We have curated a group of the industry’s top professionals. This is a resource for you to connect with your community.

Whether it is through our members’ virtual happy hours, webinars, or retreats, you are destined to find your new bf, collab-buddy, future business partner, and vision-board-confidant.


MoveForward Community curates business webinars to help you get clear on the next steps for growing your business.

We are passionate about providing female entrepreneurs like you with tools to streamline your life. We will cover everything from personal branding, content creation, digital marketing, building efficiencies and more!


Are you looking for someone to bounce ideas off of as you stare at your screen? Reaching for the courage-juice to try something new but just not quite ready to go for it on your own?

The best things to come out of our social meet-ups (virtually and IRL!) are the incredible relationships and collabs that are born within the network. Our goal is to introduce you to MoveForward members who complement your strengths as well as connect you with brands that with help to propel your business forward.





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